Probiotics And Prebiotics To The Rescue

Probiotics and Prebiotics To The Rescue

Khristee Rich with Just Thrive Probiotic

Recently, I had oral surgery.

If you know me, you know that I don’t take medication.

But I made an exception since I had surgery and didn’t want to have any problems.

My surgeon recommended that I take one dose of antibiotics for one day.

So I did.

And then I took a probiotic and prebiotics several hours later to boost my good bacteria and gut health.

I continue to take the probiotic and prebiotic so that I don’t any adverse side effects.

I like to take Just Thrive probiotic and Just Thrive Precision PREbiotic.

They work great together.

One capsule of probiotic and a quarter scoop of prebiotic is a powerful combination.

I put them in a glass of water, stir, and drink.

Tastes great.

The powdered prebiotic is sweetened with monk fruit, not sugar, so it is naturally sweet.

You don’t need a full scoop unless you make a big container of smoothie.

The prebiotic also comes in unsweetened capsules. Sometimes I choose them.

I highly recommend that you take these probiotics and prebiotics if you are currently taking antibiotics or if you just finished a round.

Antibiotics are harsh on our stomachs.

The effects can last a long time.

Just be sure to take the probiotic at least 2 hours after your antibiotic or they will cancel each other out.

You can buy Just Thrive probiotic and Precision PREbiotic here:

You will get 15% off since I am an affiliate.


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