From Humble Beginnings To A Confident Healer

From Humble Beginnings To A Confident Healer

A pic of me, Khristee Rich, holistic healer

When I first started doing healing sessions, I offered sessions in a small herb store in Ridgefield, CT which had an empty back room. I put an ad in the local paper with a coupon for first time clients and I received a call from a woman interested in my services. She had thyroid cancer and had recently lost her husband. She was grieving her husband’s passing and dealing with her cancer diagnosis and feeling very alone and depressed. She wanted help healing her cancer. She had heard about Reiki and how it benefited cancer patients and she was open to trying it. She was my very first client and I was nervous. I had my certification in Reiki and I had been studying shamanism for months or maybe it was a year, but this was my first paying customer. Did I have the ability to heal? I wondered. Could I help this woman? What if I couldn’t help this woman?

Thoughts swirled in my head of lack of confidence, but then I remembered what my Reiki Master who taught me said. She said, “You will never be given more than you can handle, especially with your first client. It is law. You will be given someone who you can help to show you, you have what it takes as a healer.”

I took her words to heart and met with this petite woman at the store. She came weekly for sessions with me. I gave her a full hour Reiki/shamanism treatment and talked with her for fifteen to thirty minutes to check in with her and to share my visions with her.

At the time, I was not clairvoyant or I didn’t believe that I was. I just believed that I was a channel for the Reiki, the universal life force energy, and that I was using my shamanism skills to make it stronger. In Russian shamanism we use intention and images to heal. I imagined her happy and healthy and doing the things that she loved doing. I shared these visions with her.

At the time, I only charged $75/per session and I paid $25 for rent so I didn’t make much money, but she loved her sessions. She got so much value from them. I could see her soften and lighten. She trusted me and felt the difference in her energy and well-being. She glowed from her sessions and she became more social, no longer a hermit. She shared with me how much she was improving health-wise and how her doctors at her hospital in New York City were remarking on her improvement to her immune system and wanted to know what she was doing differently.

”I am going to a Reiki practitioner,” she remarked, happily.

“Well, keep doing it,” they said.

She continued to work with me and I included more of my teachings from shamanism and Reiki and I gained more confidence.

My Reiki Master was right. I was given a client who I could help. She had cancer, but I was able to help her and she and her doctors saw vast improvement.

It’s interesting to think that my first client was a cancer patient. Most people greatly fear cancer. The shaman who I worked with taught us the best treatment for cancer, something even my Reiki Master never taught and I have used that advice to help numerous of cancer patients who I have worked with over the years. Of course, the clients who got the greatest results were the ones who met with me weekly, instead of once or twice a year. Reiki is very similar to acupuncture. For best results, it is best to go more often to help the energy to flow better, to balance the chakras and one’s aura, and to help one’s emotional and spiritual well-being.

My Reiki Master told me that a Reiki session was an hour. She said an hour was needed to balance all the major chakras and the aura and to do the 26 different hand positions and that she normally gave some insights to her clients too, but from my first client, I have never done one hour Reiki sessions, because I have found that people need more time. Part of my healing has been sitting with my clients and talking with them to hear their story, why they came to me, what they hope to achieve through sessions, what they have already tried to heal their condition, so that I can have an understanding of their journey and the root cause, but also time is needed for them to express their frustrations, fears, sadness, anger, grief etc. so that it can be released. I have found in this fast-paced society that most people do not feel heard, supported or able to express themselves freely without judgement or to have someone’s complete, undivided attention. All of my sessions include talking. I also educate my clients about what happens during a session and how I am different from other healers. I am amazed that some healers don’t ask clients what their intentions are for the session. If you don’t have the intention for the session you cannot direct the energy and it should not be up to the healer what should be addressed during the session, but the client. The client is in charge of what they want healed.

Over the years, I have grown as a healer. I became clairvoyant, clairsentient, a psychic, and a medium. I have always been an empath all of my life, having empathy has also been a skill I use in my sessions. My intuition has grown too. I am so grateful for all of my skills and of course, for all of my teachers.

Today my sessions include all of skills, teachings, knowledge, and experience from over the last 17 years. I have helped numerous people through a variety of conditions (emotional, physical, spiritual), even traumas and some conditions which were not diagnosed by doctors and some that were thought not to have a remedy or cure. I have helped them to determine the root cause and find deep healing. I love what I do! And I love that I now have the confidence to share my clairvoyant visions and messages from the divine and to include recommended action steps, recordings, and notes. My sessions are no longer 75-90 minutes, but are 2 hours and 15 minutes which are deeply nurturing and transformative and they are no longer available as single sessions, but only a part of a three month package meeting with me twice a month via Zoom.

I am so glad I discovered holistic health and wellness and took the leap of faith to become a healer and help men and women to heal from conditions that they weren’t sure if they could, to heal naturally, and to shine again.

It is my mission to help more people. If you are interested in working with me 1:1, reach out to me soon. Click here to email me. For the rest of this year, I will be focusing on my book series about holistic childbirth around the world to share my teachings to empower more women with their health. I am limiting my 1:1 services so that I can focus on my book, so if you are interested in working with me 1:1, please reach out to me soon.

It’s interesting that my first client had cancer and was grieving and in a short amount of time she was thriving. This taught me that I have the capacity to help my clients with any condition they desire. Especially being a medium, clairvoyant, and clairsentient today, I have so many different avenues to get information plus the combination of Reiki and shamanism and working with my guides and archangels has made my sessions so much stronger. I am so grateful for the journey from humble beginnings to expanding to helping more women around the world via Zoom.

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