Posts tagged tips to live a long healthy life
What We Can Learn From The Blue Zones.

The other night, I started to watch the Docu-series about centenarians who live on the Blue Zones.

I watched several episodes and saw some similarities.

What do people who live a long life of vitality have common?

They eat high-quality nutritious food.

They eat whole foods, homemade food, not food with chemicals and additives.

They are active. They make their own food. They socialize with friends and family. They walk. They do active work outside from gardening to taking care of animals to horseback riding.

They spend a lot of time outside in the fresh air, sun, and in nature.

They do activities which are fun such as dancing, singing, playing an instrument, attending parties, and playing sports with friends.

They had hobbies. Hobbies that they have done for a long time.

They laugh a lot. They don’t take life seriously.

They do not stress. They relax. They are at peace.

They go to the beach. They enjoy time in nature. They live in warm climates.

They live in beautiful places in the world.

They feel that they have a purpose throughout their lives and their purpose is not tied to money or their career.

None of them were sedentary. None of them used walkers, canes or wheelchairs.

None of them lived in nursing homes.

Their families lived close by and engaged with them often.

None of them sat in front of the computer or TV all day. It didn’t seem that any of them even watched TV.

They were in the present. They didn’t live in the past or worried about the future.

Medications didn’t help them to live longer lives. In fact, most of them didn’t have health conditions or seem to take medications. The rates of heart disease, dementia, and diabetes were much lower in the Blue Zones.

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