Why I Believe I Didn't Have Pain After Oral Surgery

Why I Believe I Didn't Have Pain After Oral Surgery

Khristee Rich

Yesterday, I had oral surgery. I want to share with you why I believe I didn’t have any pain afterwards.

First of all, I had two oral surgeries when I was a teenager. I had many teeth extracted for braces.

Unfortunately, last time was not good.

I don’t know what medication they gave me. I was a teenager so I know I didn’t ask a lot of questions.

I was in terrible pain so don’t think I was given a local anesthetic. Just laughing gas.

I hallucinated which was very scary.

I had a seizure which was terrifying

and a near death experience.

I left my body and was floating up to the light to heaven. The most loving and peaceful place you can imagine.

This experience was a spiritual awakening for me because after that I believed in life after death.

But it was also traumatic.

So I feared going through it again to have my wisdom tooth out.

So I waited years and years.

I had a great fear of dying from having the same bad experience again.

This time, I had a recommendation for an oral surgeon from someone who used him. I felt so comfortable with him and the staff. They listened to my fears and reassured me. I asked lots of questions and reinforced that I couldn’t have laughing gas again. They agreed.

Because I was so busy preparing for my new TV show, I felt that I didn’t have enough time to prepare for the surgery. A few nights before I regretted not healing my trauma and my fears. I wish I had worked with a hypnotist, an NLP practitioner, or that I healed myself with Reiki and shamanism

The night before I gave myself a Reiki session and brought in my guides; Archangel Michael (for protection and strength) and Archangel Raphael (The divine holistic healer).

The day of the procedure I listened to meditation music at home, in the car, the waiting room, and even asked if I could play it during the surgery. They said yes.

This really helped to calm me.

I released the fear through visualizations.

I cleared my aura,

Grounded myself

And connected to the divine.

This time they gave me a local anesthetic and sedation.

I didn’t have any pain during and was out so I didn’t have fear during.

My nephews sent me kisses before; my parents drove me to and fro and friends on Facebook sent me lots of love and prayers.

My doctor recommended I take narcotics and ibuprofen because my tooth had been impacted. But I didn’t take the narcotic. I don’t take medications.

Shamans and shamanic practitioners are trained to use herbs and food as medicine. We don’t take medication.

I was conflicted if I should even ask for a local anesthetic and sedation. I couldn’t remember the last time I took any medication.

Maybe 10 years.

But I didn’t need it. I didn’t need the opioid.

I iced to reduce inflammation. I drank lots of fluids. My nephews lifted my spirit. I felt really good.

Finally, I took children’s Motrin just before going to bed in case it got bad during the night when I couldn’t ice it but I didn’t take the full dose they recommended.

I ate popsicles and made a cherry smoothie for inflammation and a smoothie with turmeric which also reduces inflammation.

I rested.

It was such a good experience. I was so happy that I could use my tools and that I felt so good.

The mind is powerful.

Reiki and natural remedies are powerful.

Love is powerful.

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