Looking Back On My 15-Year Illness

Looking Back On My 15-Year Illness

When I was sick with my chronic illness for 15 years, doctors tried to give me medication after medication.

They treated the individual symptoms, not the root cause.


They didn’t treat me at all.

They believed I was just depressed


a hypochondriac.

They didn’t know that by offering me more medication they were making me sicker.

People didn’t think I looked sick.

They only believed the doctors


my doctors didn’t do the right tests

so they said I was fine.

I have a hard time looking back at pictures of when I was sick, even if it was a happier occasion, like these pics of me on vacation.

I see how sick I was.

I see that even with makeup on: lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner, I looked so pale and sickly.

I see that I was propping myself up, leaning on my arm on the table, to sit up while at a restaurant.

I see how my smiles for the camera were not as wide as today.

I see that I didn’t have any joy or vitality.


I am so glad those days are behind me.

Today, I have so much empathy for those with chronic illness because I have been there.

I know what it’s like to be in pain every day, to be so fatigued, weak, and nauseous.

I know what it’s like to feel like you have tried so much, but still nothing is helping.

Most importantly, I know what it’s like to overcome an illness naturally, on my own, even when everyone said it couldn’t be done.

Today, I empower women with their health and wellness. I help them to overcome chronic illness and chronic conditions naturally so that they become joyful, healthy women.

Want to overcome your chronic condition and become happier and healthier than ever?

Join my new 8 week virtual program, Detox For Joy.

Click here. Starts Wednesday, June 8.
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