Too Tired To Smile

Too Tired To Smile

On my Greek vacation

When I was sick with my 15-year illness, I was not the same person I am today.

Today, I smile easily and often.

The little things make me so happy.

I am so grateful for EVERYTHING.

But when I was sick with my chronic illness, I was too sick to smile or laugh.

They say that it takes more muscles to smile than it does to frown.

It’s true. It takes a lot less energy to be emotional-less.

This is a pic of me in Greece on vacation with my boyfriend (at the time) on one of the islands in the beginning of my illness.

I had no idea what a long, windy road I was about to embark on.

I went to doctor after doctor for years.

I spent thousands and thousands of dollars trying to figure out why I was sick


trying to get well.

I understand people who say that they have spent so much money on their health.

I understand people who say they have tried EVERYTHING to no avail.

I understand people who are ready to give up because no one can help them and they have spent years.

Great news!

I am teaching how I overcame my 15-year chronic illness naturally in one month in my new program, Detox For Joy.

What I am teaching can be applied to any chronic condition to see amazing benefits and have long-lasting results.

Many people have said to me, “I will never be as happy as you.”

But, with my program, Detox For Joy, you can!

When we feel good, then we can be joyful.

And then we can pursue our passions.

We need a holistic approach, not just treating the symptoms.

I spent years researching about the functions of the body, herbs, supplements, diets, and health conditions, and more.

What I teach in this course is invaluable.

How often have you taken a course on health and wellness from someone who has healed herself from a debilitating illness?

Who has been researching health for over 25 years?

And who is a healer and a medium?

Detox For Joy starts in 24 hours.

Wooo-hooo!! I am so excited!!

Payment plans are available.

Pay-in-full will get you an awesome bonus. (Valued $400)

Get ready to change your life!

This is my new signature course. It will only be offered once a year.

Click here to join, Detox For Joy.

After you enroll, I will send you the link for tomorrow's live Zoom call at 1 PM Eastern. Join us live or catch the replay! Bring your lunch and engage in the call!

Let the fun begin!

Click here to join my list for free videos and helpful tips to improve your health and wellbeing.