I Know It Hurts. I Know You’re Angry. Break The Cycle of Being in A Toxic Romantic Relationship (Once And For All)

I Know It Hurts. I Know You’re Angry. Break The Cycle of Being in A Toxic Romantic Relationship (Once And For All)


You’re not doomed to continue the cycle of attracting narcissists or toxic relationships.

The myths circulating about narcissists are preventing you from breaking the cycle.

If you have been in a toxic, abusive relationship, look at your past and the areas of your life to see where you need healing. It is a fallacy that empaths always attract narcissists. Wounded empaths attract narcissists, but not all empaths are wounded. Some are empowered. Wounded people attract wounded people. Narcissists are wounded. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you will never be able to change them, but you can heal yourself and set healthy boundaries and learn the signs so that you do not welcome another narcissist into your life.

Narcissists are becoming more common. It’s not possible to go your entire life without ever meeting one. He or she may be your boss, a co-worker, parent or a friend. The difference is a narcissist cannot hurt you if you do not allow them into your inner circle. You can choose if you want to be friends with someone or not or if you want to date someone or not or if they will be an acquaintance. But when you are in a romantic relationship with a narcissist you become entangled. They get too close. They play on your wounds and you play on theirs and it becomes very unhealthy. Narcissistic relationships are very difficult if they are your parents or family members and you grew up thinking the behavior was normal, yearning for their love, to be good/perfect for love, only to realize later, it wasn’t normal but unhealthy and dysfunctional. But with romantic relationships, we have a choice whether to date or not, whether to marry or not, so it is important to be conscious that if you are attracting toxic romantic relationships you have wounds that need to be healed.

If you need help breaking the pattern of toxic relationships or healing from a toxic, abusive relationship, reach out to me for a free call to learn about my one-on-one healing services. Click here to set up a free call to learn more.

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If you would like more support to learn how to live a healthy, empowered life and have a community to support you, join my free Facebook, Live An Extraordinary Life And Enjoy. This group is for empaths, creatives, and anyone who wishes to live an extraordinary life that they will enjoy. Everyone has the right to be happy. Click here to join us in this high-vibe supportive group.