People No Longer

People No Longer

Photo by Paul Hanaoka

Photo by Paul Hanaoka

People can no longer count their own steps so they have watches to do that for them.

People no longer have the patience to be healed by healers so they purchase their own healing machines.

People can no longer keep track of their objects so they have apps to find their phones.

People can no longer be responsible for their time so their phone tracks their productivity.

People no longer have patience to research when they can ask Siri.

People can no longer be bothered to cook so they microwave the nutrition out of their food.

Or eat food out of cans,


Or cardboard.

No more do people share wisdom, but articles from Google.

No more do people call, but send texts and emojis.

No more do people wake up to birds chirping or a rooster crowing or the sunlight streaming in, but to an alarm sounding.

People use their voices to turn on music instead of their fingers.

People rely on voice commands to guide their way instead of their inner compass or a well illustrated map.

My Native American ancestors would have cringed to see how society has changed.

No longer are people connected to each other or to the land, but their electronic devices.

No longer do people make eye contact when they talk to each other in the same room, but look down at their devices “speaking” to someone who isn’t present.

Are you depressed?






Do you have insomnia?

Chronic illness?



Turn off your phones.

Turn off the computer.

Turn off the TV.

Go outside.

In the sun.






Connect to your inner being.

Connect to your inner child.

Express yourself.

Connect to Mother Earth and let her nurture you.

Use your imagination.

Tell a story.

Sit around a campfire with friends

and really talk.

Not like on a text message

But like you can only do in person.

This is how you heal.

This is how you obtain health.

This is how you learn about life and yourself.

By living it.

Breathing it.

Creating it.

Eat food from the earth.

Not GMO creations or food concocted with chemicals and artificial flavors and colors.

Is that even food?

The more we become connected to technology, the more we become disconnected from self.




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