How are you coping with COVID?

How are you coping with COVID?

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How are you coping with the effects of the Coronavirus?

Are you angry? Confused? Sad? Feeling out of control? Looking for answers, inspiration, and balance?

Many people are being triggered right now. I spoke about this topic last Friday on my Facebook Live in my private Facebook Group Empowered Joyful Empaths and offered tips and a relaxing meditation for all who are being triggered at this time. I am offering free live meditations every Friday at 6:30 PM Eastern during the time of the Coronavirus. But if once a week is not enough support for you, I have something else that I know you will love!

Registration is officially OPEN for the Rise and Bloom: Coping with Covid Virtual Summit! This summit was created by the Rise and Bloom Mastermind I am a a part of to help you find great health, balance, and empowerment during the time of the Coronavirus.

We’ve got 11 incredible speakers from all around the U.S. and a few international speakers too. Speakers in the free summit include Aimee Carlson, Podcaster and Toxin Terminator, Ashley Fillingim, Lawyer, Business and Life Coach, Marisa Imôn, Podcaster, Musician, Meditation Guru, Kris McPeak, Author, Educator, Podcaster and Host of the Summit, Janice McQueen Ward, Podcaster and Lifestyle/Pageant Coach, Tamar Medford, Podcaster and Health/Wellness Coach, Flossie Njama, Registered Nurse and Juicing Enthusiast, Susmitha Veganosaurus, Vegan Chef, Podcaster, and Positivity Guru, Annette White, Vegan Chef, Podcaster, and Culinary Educator, Ryan White, Health and Fitness Coach, and of course myself, Holistic Healer and Health Educator. The virtual summit is LIVE now and it offers free resources, fantastic lessons, information, and inspirational stories.

I'm so excited to bring this free virtual summit event to you!

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You can learn absolutely everything you’d ever want to know about the summit over here, but as a quick overview:

  • The summit features 11 health and wellness entrepreneurs speaking about their passions and expertise.

  • Each module is packed with amazing resources to help you cope, engage in self-care, and feel more healthy during this time.

  • You can pick which speakers to listen to; you don't have to listen to all of them.

  • The modules will be open through June. So go at your own pace!

  • You can attend the virtual summit absolutely free, and if you need more support afterwards the presenters have included special offers and bonus modules for you. (I have two free bonuses in addition to my interview.)

Are you excited?! I am!
Head over to the Web site to learn more and grab your free ticket. More information will be sent straight to your inbox afterwards.

I hope you enjoy!

Much joy and comfort,  


P.S. If you are looking for more personal support, I have many services to support you at this time. My new Virtual Group Healing For Busy People resumes April 20. Receive a powerful group virtual healing from the comfort of your home. Choose one intention. Receive a recording of Khristee's clairvoyant visions, guidance, and recommended actions emailed to you April 21. Three month commitment. Click here to enroll. Monthly payment option is also available. Click here.


Or we can work together virtually one-on-one for more emotional support. You can pick as many intentions as you like. A recording and detailed notes of your clairvoyant intuitive reading will be emailed to you afterwards. Balance your mind, body, and spirit!

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