Posts in Empowerment
Why Wait? Believe It, Dream It, Achieve It!

I hope you are enjoying the spring. Recently, I celebrated Easter with my family.

My grandmother is 99 years old and still dresses up.

It made me think: What is the secret to a long life?

Health, of course,

and happiness.

It is following your passions to make your life enjoyable. It is also knowing you are loved and supported.

Looking back on the details of my grandmother's life (that I know), I know she came from humble beginnings growing up in the country in Virginia. She moved to NYC to finish her education when she was sixteen. She married my grandfather who joined the military and they toured the world. She even went to see Josephine Baker perform when she lived in Paris. Her world expanded when she saw different cities and cultures. She had four children. She was psychic. She continued to travel all around the world. She beat colon cancer. She felt loved. Her amazing childbirth story is going to be in my book about childbirth around the world. Imagine childbirth in the 40's. Next month she turns 100!

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My Big Purpose: Why I've Been A Healer

I love being a healer. I have been a healer for about 17 years. It was never something I intended to do, but I had a calling and over the years the calling continues.


Because I was sick with a debilitating illness for 15 years. I was misdiagnosed for 15 years. I felt doctors didn’t respect me and take me and my symptoms seriously. I felt that I lost 15 years of my life which could have been avoided and I don’t want the same to happen to anyone else. Life is supposed to be joyful, but you can’t be joyful when your needs are not met physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Because of what I experienced, I have great empathy for those who have chronic illnesses and chronic conditions who are being told there is no cure and they have to accept their illnesses.

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Tough Love Is Killing Empathy

Tough love has really become en vogue in the last few years spawned on by the coaching movement. Tough love is considered love that’s “good for you.” Unfortunately, the popularity of tough love is justifying bullies. Many believe people are playing victims and when they do, they should not show them empathy or love, but call them out on their weakness to toughen them up.

I remember one time in a coaching session my coach said to me, “You are being a victim.”

To which I replied, “I am being authentic. I don’t appreciate you labeling me.”

When we label someone, we pigeon in who they are and don’t see the full person. They just become one word.

Do you identify with being referred to as only one word to describe you? Or are you fuller and more complex than a single word?

My coach then said, “You are being a baby.”

I said, “Do not call me a baby; do not label me. I do not label my clients and I appreciate you to show me the same courtesy.”

“Why?” she asked. “Wouldn’t you want to know?! I would want to know! I would want my coach to tell me if I was being a victim or a baby.”

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