Posts in Health and Wellness
They Say It's Like Giving Birth!

Being in lockdown has been like a Master Class in learning about myself. I am questioning everything: my career, my life purpose, my relationships, health, and so much more! I have been triggered and so many emotions have been coming up. It has forced me to take a hard look at my life and what is working and what is not, to truly understand why things that I have wanted for so long are not manifesting and what I need to finally change.

The good news is that after much thought, I have clarity! My soul purpose is to be a writer and an international transformational speaker. But writing a book is hard. As many people say, "It's a lot like giving birth!" You have to put all of your focus on it and give it all you've got.

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Pamper The Ones You Love

Have you been pampering yourself? It's hard to believe that it's almost Mother's Day. It's just 2 1/2 weeks away!

Since it is taking a bit longer to receive items in the mail, I wanted to send you the reminder that it's now time to think about sending Mother's Day gifts to your mother, your daughter if she is a mother, or a gift to yourself if you are a mother. Since money is tight for many, I wanted to recommend this wonderful Canadian company called Body Cherish, that I just discovered last year. Not only will you receive fabulous, healthy, beauty products, but with the American dollar being stronger than the Canadian dollar you will get bang for your buck.

I am a big supporter of liver detoxification and holistic health and wellness (mind, body, and spirit). Unfortunately many body care products contain toxins, harmful chemicals, and harsh preservatives which may contribute to poor health, illness, even reproductive problems for women. Luckily, Body Cherish is conscious of this and only uses high-quality healthy, organic bodycare ingredients. These products make you feel beautiful, healthy, and pampered!

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Overcoming chronic illness and advocating for your health!

Have you ever had a chronic illness, a health crisis, or a chronic health condition? Did you overcome it quickly? Did you feel supported? Or did you learn to become your own health advocate?

Recently, I was interviewed by Janice McQueen Ward on her Beauty Call Podcast. Janice interviews ladies who are beautiful inside and out. Janice’s podcast focuses on beauty, health and wellness, faith, and even offers beauty tips! On the podcast, I shared how I overcame my debilitating, fifteen year, chronic illness, how I became a holistic healer and how I became my own health advocate, as well as, some timely tips on how to help prevent contracting the Coronavirus.

On this episode, you will learn:

  • What is holistic health and wellness

  • Importance of detoxifying our livers

  • Importance of getting to the root cause in illness and taking a holistic approach

  • Why it is so important for women to prioritize healing and self-care

  • Why I am writing a book about childbirth around the world

  • Female empowerment- why it is so important right now

  • The focus of my new Blog, Mum’s The Word: Mothers Speaking Out About Childbirth Around The World

  • and more!

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How are you coping with COVID?

How are you coping with the effects of the Coronavirus?

Are you angry? Confused? Sad? Feeling out of control? Looking for answers, inspiration, and balance?
Many people are being triggered right now. I spoke about this topic last Friday on my Facebook Live in my private Facebook Group Empowered Joyful Empaths and offered tips and a relaxing meditation for all who are being triggered at this time. I am offering free live meditations every Friday at 6:30 PM Eastern during the time of the Coronavirus. But if once a week is not enough support for you, I have something else that I know you will love!

Registration is officially OPEN for the Rise and Bloom: Coping with Covid Virtual Summit! This summit was created by the Rise and Bloom Mastermind I am a a part of to help you find great health, balance, and empowerment during the time of the Coronavirus.

We’ve got 11 incredible speakers from all around the U.S. and a few international speakers too.

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Are You On The Road To Health?

I remember when I was struggling with my debilitating chronic illness. It was a long, fifteen year journey on the road to health!

Recently I was interviewed by Tamar Medford for her podcast, The Road To Health. In this episode, I shared how I overcame my chronic illness and how the journey lead me to become a holistic healer. helping others to overcome their chronic illness and chronic health and mental conditions. It was a fun trip down memory lane!

Also because of the Coronavirus health crisis, I gave some natural recommendations on how to best boost your immune system at this time to prevent the Coronavirus.

Listen here.

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Reflecting Back On A Decade

It was a BIG decade for me! I didn’t realize so many big things happened!

In 2010, I finally overcame my debilitating chronic illness. After fifteen years struggling, I finally realized the root cause and healed myself 100% naturally on my own in one month. I had felt imprisoned by my illness and once I was healthy again I wanted to be free.

In 2011, I moved cross country with no job, no family, no close friends to start a brand new life in San Francisco based on a physical dream I had. An uplifting dream I had one night that inspired me to move. Friends thought I was brave (or crazy) for packing up and starting anew. For me it wasn’t bravery, just something I needed to do.

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Are You A High-Vibe Attractor?

Many of us know about the law of attraction; it is a common theme that is talked about in spiritual circles. But many of us become disillusioned after they watch The Secret and "it doesn't work."

Why don't the principles work for some people?

The concepts are easy. 1) Ask 2) Believe and 3) Receive.

1) Clearly state your intention. What is it want to manifest?

2) Believe with all of your heart that you will achieve it. Visualize it. Feel it. Trust.

3) Receive it when it comes, flows to you.

So if it's that easy, why doesn't it work for everyone? Why are some people still struggling to achieve their dreams?

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Journaling To Improve Your Mindset

Hi Empaths!

Are you enjoying my Empowerment Challenge? In the first three weeks I taught meditations and creative visualizations to the group. Last week I taught some journaling.

Journaling is a great practice to clear our mind and improve our mindset. In my Group, I suggested three styles of journaling: 1) picking a topic and writing about it (I offered many journal prompts in the group), 2) Julia Cameron's Morning Pages, and 3) audio journals.

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Beeeee Kind To Yourself - Self-Care for Your Sinuses

Did you know that honey is a natural anti-bacterial? Yes, you can use it both as a preventative and as medicine when you get sick. But not all honey is equal. Honey that you buy at the grocery store is heavily processed and the processing takes out much of the health benefits. Sure, honey can always soothe a sore throat but if you want to reap the amazing health benefits it's best to get it from your local beekeeper.

MYTH: There is a myth that honey never spoils because it is an anti-bacterial.

FACT: Honey is best when it is fresh. It loses potency over time, just like other herbs, vitamins, and medication. If you have a bacterial infection, reach for some fresh local honey, instead of honey that's a few years old from your cupboard.

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My Recent Travel Revelation

As many of you know I do not consume gluten. In 1999 I became very ill breaking out in hives whenever I ate bread, cookies, crackers etc. Symptoms progressed to upset stomach, digestive issues, brain fog, insomnia, terrible acne, fatigue, etc as I continued to eat wheat. I became VERY, VERY sick. This was a huge surprise as I had eaten wheat all of my life without any issues. So I gave up wheat (even before it was trendy).

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No One Believed I Was Sick

For fifteen years, I battled with my illness. Every day was a struggle. Every minute was a struggle. I knew deep in my soul that something was seriously wrong with me. All of my life prior to my illness, I had been very healthy. I knew my body, but my doctors could not find anything wrong with me so they quickly labeled me as depressed and then after my persistence to try to find the root of my illness they labeled me a hypochondriac. I tried doctor after doctor and asked for test after test but no one believed me.

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How I Healed Myself from My Chronic Illness

After 15 years struggling with a debilitating chronic illness, I was determined to be well. In 2010 I walked into a new doctor’s office at Danbury Hospital on the second floor. I sat in a muted chair in the waiting room of my infectious disease specialist’s office. I leafed through my pages of typed notes of my health history, hoping and praying that this new doctor would believe that I was ill and order further testing.

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