Posts in Holistic Health
Clearing Confusion On The CBD Trend

There are so many natural ways to remedy pain and anxiety. I have found that one of the most misunderstood ways is by using CBD. I have recommended so many natural remedies over the years to my clients and loved ones, but was curious to learn more about CBD, so I was so happy to be asked by Ridgefield and Wilton Magazine to write an article on CBD so that I could do more research on this topic.

Now that I have done so much research and gave CBD to my grandmother when she was ill, I wish my grandmother's hospice nurses had recommended CBD instead of immediately giving morphine and Haloperidol for physical and emotional pain.

I gave my grandmother CBD and she did very well with it, much better than with the medications. I was so happy that CBD gave her relief.

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From Humble Beginnings To A Confident Healer

When I first started doing healing sessions, I offered sessions in a small herb store in Ridgefield, CT which had an empty back room. I put an ad in the local paper with a coupon for first time clients and I received a call from a woman interested in my services. She had thyroid cancer and had recently lost her husband. She was grieving her husband’s passing and dealing with her cancer diagnosis and feeling very alone and depressed. She wanted help healing her cancer. She had heard about Reiki and how it benefited cancer patients and she was open to trying it. She was my very first client and I was nervous. I had my certification in Reiki and I had been studying shamanism for months or maybe it was a year, but this was my first paying customer. Did I have the ability to heal? I wondered. Could I help this woman? What if I couldn’t help this woman?

Thoughts swirled in my head of lack of confidence, but then I remembered what my Reiki Master who taught me said. She said, “You will never be given more than you can handle, especially with your first client. It is law. You will be given someone who you can help to show you, you have what it takes as a healer.”

I took her words to heart and met with this petite woman at the store.

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My Big Purpose: Why I've Been A Healer

I love being a healer. I have been a healer for about 17 years. It was never something I intended to do, but I had a calling and over the years the calling continues.


Because I was sick with a debilitating illness for 15 years. I was misdiagnosed for 15 years. I felt doctors didn’t respect me and take me and my symptoms seriously. I felt that I lost 15 years of my life which could have been avoided and I don’t want the same to happen to anyone else. Life is supposed to be joyful, but you can’t be joyful when your needs are not met physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Because of what I experienced, I have great empathy for those who have chronic illnesses and chronic conditions who are being told there is no cure and they have to accept their illnesses.

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I Know It Hurts. I Know You’re Angry. Break The Cycle of Being in A Toxic Romantic Relationship (Once And For All)

You’re not doomed to continue the cycle of attracting narcissists or toxic relationships.

The myths circulating about narcissists are preventing you from breaking the cycle.

If you have been in a toxic, abusive relationship, look at your past and the areas of your life to see where you need healing. It is a fallacy that empaths always attract narcissists. Wounded empaths attract narcissists, but not all empaths are wounded. Some are empowered. Wounded people attract wounded people. Narcissists are wounded. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you will never be able to change them, but you can heal yourself and set healthy boundaries and learn the signs so that you do not welcome another narcissist into your life.

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Fill Up Your Heart With Self-Love

Hi Everyone!

I was inspired to create a self-love series.

I used to dread Valentine’s Day. I used to feel bad that I was not in a romantic relationship. I used to feel sad on that day. But just like we can set goals and intentions every day, we don’t have to wait until New Years; we can fill ourselves up with love every day, we don’t have to wait for someone to love us. So last year I filled myself up with so much love. I meditated. I spent time outside in my hammock and going for walks. I exercised. I read. I took baths. I listened to inspirational podcasts. I studied numerology and astrology. I did shadow work. I wrote gratitude lists and I healed myself.

Last Friday, I started Fill Up Your Heart: Self-Love Series on Facebook. I decided to broadcast it on my business FB page, The Dancing Curtain and in my private FB group for empaths and creatives who wish to live an extraordinary life. Click here to join the private group. The series has just begun! I wanted to start it before Valentine’s Day to help support those who are single or broken-hearted but it continues until February 26. I wanted to make the series long enough so that people really felt that their hearts are filled up with love. Watch the replays on the pages and invite a friend.

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The Best Gifts Of All Are The Ones That Make You Feel Good

When I was sick with my chronic illness, I didn't have the knowledge I have today. It was through trial and error that I learned the importance of not only choosing the right supplements, but high quality supplements. It was through time and research that I Iearned that what we put on our bodies is as important as what we put in our bodies. Our body is the largest organ we have and it absorbs everything we put on our skin. Everything we put on our bodies and in our bodies and around our bodies contributes to either good health or poor health.

I have so much empathy for those who are struggling with a chronic illness. I know that they often don't have the energy to research and understand what is best for them.

But I do know that if you purchase gifts for your loved ones that help them to feel good, they will treasure those gifts for a long time and appreciate you.

Here are some of my favorites:

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How To Stay Inspired When You’re Not

It's almost time for Thanksgiving. Are you excited? Thanksgiving will not be the same this year. Many of us will not be with our complete families. Many of us have lost loved ones this year. Many of us have lost jobs or revenue. Many of us are feeling scared and uncertain about the future. Many of us have been working hard all year and need a break and have lost our vigor to keep going or to be motivated or inspired.

If that is you, you are not alone. I was feeling that way recently. I lost my vigor and I am normally a very optimistic and ambitious person. But sometimes life gets overwhelming or we don't see the fruits of all of our work; we just see the obstacles and more to do. We wonder why we work so hard. Isn't life supposed to be joyful?

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Everyone Wants Quick Answers

Years ago, I met a woman in Connecticut while networking. In my circle at the time, it was common for people to do trades, but my experience from the past was all trades were not always equal. Not all services were equal. Some were more expensive than others. Some required more time than others. And some practitioners were more talented and experienced than others. It would be one thing for a massage therapist to get a massage from another massage therapist, but people often traded in different industries. I had been disappointed by trades before and I decided to stop. If someone was interested in my services, they would need to pay me and if I was interested in theirs I would pay them. After all, I did need to pay my bills and I was very good at what I did.

This woman was sick and wanted to do a trade. She had heard about my work and how talented I was as a healer and intuitive and she needed help. She tried everything with doctors and she needed some answers. I told her that I didn’t do trades anymore. I was clear. I was clear with myself and I was clear with her. But even though she was very sick, it was immediately clear that she wasn’t willing to invest in my services. If I wasn’t going to trade with her, she wasn’t willing to pay.

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What Were You Taught To Believe?

They taught me to be afraid of you.

“Stand 6 feet apart.”

They taught me to be afraid of myself.

“Wear a mask. You may be contagious.”

They taught me not to trust the strength of my immune system.

“Only medication and vaccines can remedy this.”

They taught me to stay inside. “Don’t go out, unless it is necessary.”

And they closed our beaches.
When natural vitamin D from the sun boosts the immune system.

They taught me to watch the news constantly: for updates and further information.

When fear weakens the immune system and spreads more fear to others.

They taught me that you cannot overcome chronic illness,

but I overcame mine.

They taught me to spy on my friends and neighbors.

No one needs privacy anymore.

They taught me to report anyone acting out of duty.

They taught us that tracking us is acceptable.

They taught me that is not a time for freedom.

They taught me not to think for myself.

They taught me to bully anyone who disagrees.

They taught me to shame, blame, and criticize anyone who thinks for themselves.

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Narcissists in The Business Coaching and Thought Leadership World

There is a very famous business coach/thought leader/motivational speaker; you may know him. He teaches people mind-over-matter by encouraging them to walk on hot coals; he hosts live events with thousands of attendees (which sell out fast for big bucks), and many women have accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances and sexually harassing them. (This is fans and staff. ) Some have even said, that he berated abuse victims. Yes, he is incredibly successful in his career, has a huge following, but he is a narcissist.

Narcissists are often successful in business because they are ruthless; they don’t care about anyone else but themselves. If you boost their ego, they will love you, but if you show that you are vulnerable and didn’t feel emotional supported or seen by them or that they didn’t help you, that’s when they get mean and ugly. Narcissists are incredibly vain; they are always focused on themselves, even if they don’t like themselves. They often did not feel emotionally supported as children, so they have no problems giving you tough love.

There are many coaches/thoughts leaders today who are narcissists and yet their businesses are booming.


Because they are successful in business and people want to learn from those who are uber successful.

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The New Know-It-All Bullies

I am fortunate to say that I was not bullied growing up, but sadly, I see that bullying and more specifically, cyberbullying is on the rise.

I do not believe in public humiliation, so I won’t use her name, but there is a very famous business coach, a millionaire, who uses bullying tactics to get her new clients and to control the clients she has. she was the first to say, “Make your mess your message“, “ It’s either a Hell yes or a no”, and “How you do anything is how you do everything.“

Yes, she’s got some catchy sayings and some great messages.

But it is never okay to bully. (Shame, judge, criticize) someone publicly. This is a manipulation tactic to control another person, to silence them, and embarrass them into submission. Unfortunately, it is used a lot in the coaching world and it puts a coach in a position of power/authority.

No longer are bullies on the playground, but they are adults with deep wounds that others are hiring. I followed this coach for some time before I realized that she was a bully. I was so impressed by her ability to go from a secretary to a millionaire and to have a thriving business with a huge staff and a huge following. I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur like her. I wanted to learn how she did it.

It wasn’t until I hopped on a free group coaching call that I clearly saw her scare tactics in motion. She coached us one-by-one on our specific problems and then at the end, she invited us to her live in-person event in Vegas on specific dates. I remember the first woman she coached. She said, “Thank you. Unfortunately, I can’t attend because my daughter is having her first baby and of course, I don’t know the exact date it will happen, but she is due around the same time as your event and I plan to be there two weeks to help out, so I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it this year, but would love to attend next year.“

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“Definitely Not A Model”

After college where I earned a B.F.A Theatre Performance degree from the University of Michigan, I went to The School for Film and Television in New York City. My scene study teacher helped us to see how casting directors saw us, what types we should play and submit to. We all wanted to know this because we weren’t getting cast in the roles we wanted or weren’t getting cast enough period.

He went around the room telling everyone their types simply from their looks. For me he said the role I would play would be a cop, an NYPD cop, definitely not a model. He actually said, “Definitely not a model.”!! I was so hurt and confused. I never thought of myself as tough or that people viewed me as an NYPD cop and not beautiful. I was 22/23 and I thought I had potential to be pretty. I looked to my teacher for advice and guidance and he told me that I was not pretty enough for TV or to be seen as a pretty role on TV. True, I was not especially curvy, I didn’t know how to do fancy makeup and wasn’t that stylish, but I was slim, and not short. Everyone else in the class was given more flattering stereotypes to play and I wondered why I wasn’t. I concluded that I didn’t like the teacher; he was prejudiced against me and I needed to do something different with my hair.

Growing up I wore my hair in braids every day from age 4 to 13 because 1) I had really thick hair and 2) I wanted to look neat in school and fit in like the other kids. Being a light-skinned African American girl the only way others could tell that I was black was my hair.

They would say that I had kinky hair and if I ever wore my hair down my classmates (the boys) would make fun of me.

My hair was my struggle for most of my childhood. On the weekends other kids played in sports and participated in extracurriculars, but for me I had to pick one day, Saturday or Sunday to wash my hair. Normally, I picked Saturday so that I could have a full day to relax before school the next day. I was allowed to watch one cartoon and then for the next 6 hours I washed my hair and my mother dried and braided my hair. Yes, that’s right, every weekend it took 5 1/2 to 6 hours to dry and de-tangle my hair and put it back into neat braids. During that time, I always wished that I could be playing with friends, playing in sports, relaxing watching TV, or outside playing in nature. After hours of having my hair yanked and pulled tightly with a brissle brush, doused with water, and my skin burned from the hair dryer, my head and neck were sore and I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

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They Say It's Like Giving Birth!

Being in lockdown has been like a Master Class in learning about myself. I am questioning everything: my career, my life purpose, my relationships, health, and so much more! I have been triggered and so many emotions have been coming up. It has forced me to take a hard look at my life and what is working and what is not, to truly understand why things that I have wanted for so long are not manifesting and what I need to finally change.

The good news is that after much thought, I have clarity! My soul purpose is to be a writer and an international transformational speaker. But writing a book is hard. As many people say, "It's a lot like giving birth!" You have to put all of your focus on it and give it all you've got.

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Pamper The Ones You Love

Have you been pampering yourself? It's hard to believe that it's almost Mother's Day. It's just 2 1/2 weeks away!

Since it is taking a bit longer to receive items in the mail, I wanted to send you the reminder that it's now time to think about sending Mother's Day gifts to your mother, your daughter if she is a mother, or a gift to yourself if you are a mother. Since money is tight for many, I wanted to recommend this wonderful Canadian company called Body Cherish, that I just discovered last year. Not only will you receive fabulous, healthy, beauty products, but with the American dollar being stronger than the Canadian dollar you will get bang for your buck.

I am a big supporter of liver detoxification and holistic health and wellness (mind, body, and spirit). Unfortunately many body care products contain toxins, harmful chemicals, and harsh preservatives which may contribute to poor health, illness, even reproductive problems for women. Luckily, Body Cherish is conscious of this and only uses high-quality healthy, organic bodycare ingredients. These products make you feel beautiful, healthy, and pampered!

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Overcoming chronic illness and advocating for your health!

Have you ever had a chronic illness, a health crisis, or a chronic health condition? Did you overcome it quickly? Did you feel supported? Or did you learn to become your own health advocate?

Recently, I was interviewed by Janice McQueen Ward on her Beauty Call Podcast. Janice interviews ladies who are beautiful inside and out. Janice’s podcast focuses on beauty, health and wellness, faith, and even offers beauty tips! On the podcast, I shared how I overcame my debilitating, fifteen year, chronic illness, how I became a holistic healer and how I became my own health advocate, as well as, some timely tips on how to help prevent contracting the Coronavirus.

On this episode, you will learn:

  • What is holistic health and wellness

  • Importance of detoxifying our livers

  • Importance of getting to the root cause in illness and taking a holistic approach

  • Why it is so important for women to prioritize healing and self-care

  • Why I am writing a book about childbirth around the world

  • Female empowerment- why it is so important right now

  • The focus of my new Blog, Mum’s The Word: Mothers Speaking Out About Childbirth Around The World

  • and more!

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How are you coping with COVID?

How are you coping with the effects of the Coronavirus?

Are you angry? Confused? Sad? Feeling out of control? Looking for answers, inspiration, and balance?
Many people are being triggered right now. I spoke about this topic last Friday on my Facebook Live in my private Facebook Group Empowered Joyful Empaths and offered tips and a relaxing meditation for all who are being triggered at this time. I am offering free live meditations every Friday at 6:30 PM Eastern during the time of the Coronavirus. But if once a week is not enough support for you, I have something else that I know you will love!

Registration is officially OPEN for the Rise and Bloom: Coping with Covid Virtual Summit! This summit was created by the Rise and Bloom Mastermind I am a a part of to help you find great health, balance, and empowerment during the time of the Coronavirus.

We’ve got 11 incredible speakers from all around the U.S. and a few international speakers too.

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Are You On The Road To Health?

I remember when I was struggling with my debilitating chronic illness. It was a long, fifteen year journey on the road to health!

Recently I was interviewed by Tamar Medford for her podcast, The Road To Health. In this episode, I shared how I overcame my chronic illness and how the journey lead me to become a holistic healer. helping others to overcome their chronic illness and chronic health and mental conditions. It was a fun trip down memory lane!

Also because of the Coronavirus health crisis, I gave some natural recommendations on how to best boost your immune system at this time to prevent the Coronavirus.

Listen here.

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